#1 Rated Starlink Installer in Atlanta & North GA

Commercial & Residential Experts

Known for the biggest, most dangerous house climbs, cleanest installs, and complex integrations

Starlink at your house

Bad internet in your area? Starlink™ is an amazing solution. Call us and we can see if you qualify and get you set up, start to finish.

Our Process

1. Phone consultation and check of availability at your address (home or business, both possible)

2. Survey of house to map out optimal satellite location

3. Ordering of equipment – we buy all so you don’t have to bother with anything.

4. Installation

5. Sit beside you to set up for monthly Starlink™ service

6. Full education on system

7. Lastly, joyfully watch your amazement as you experience speeds you never thought you could have! 🌟

Before & After Speeds:

What Our Starlink Customers are Saying…

“It took forever to send emails with attachments or pictures... now I'm streaming on multiple devices!!” - Larry J. (one of our real Starlink clients)



Job Site Photos:


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